Recent work by Jill Magid "Closet Drama" the point of view at Berkeley Art Museum - Art daily

Posted : Tuesday 22 March 2011

BERKELEY, CA.- The University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAM/PFA) presents Jill Magid: closet drama / 237 of the matrix. Jill Magid job to infiltrate the systems of authority and power to explore issues of vulnerability, compliance and trust. By close institutions, exploit their shortcomings, to seduce their agents, repeating their logic and push the boundaries of the revelation, she developed a highly conceptual practice, based on performance. His collaborators include police officers in New York, Liverpool and Amsterdam and, most visibly, the Dutch secret service. His work here varies in form - video, photographs, sculptures, installations, printed text, books - but most have a link to the documentation of its processes.

More recent work of Magid committed the written word and its use as a control agent, manipulation and distortion. A reasonable man in a box (2010) regarding the memorandum of the program, a.k.a the memos of Torture, which is the legal case for officials of the United States to engage in "enhanced interrogation." To support work of video Magid, collage and text, revealed the instability of the language, its malleability attested by so provides interpretation and gaps in the translation Word to the action.

Magid dramatic closet matrix Commission also has its roots in current events as they intersect with governmental authority. Magid attended a mysterious shooting on the steps of the Capitol of Texas by Fausto Cardenas in January 2010. Nothing is known of motives of Cardenas, but his gesture of fire in the sky of the Capitol steps - for security - reads like a tragic and poetic dramatic Act. For this project, Magid connects action of Fausto Goethe Faust, written as a "closet drama", a kind of reading diary that works as a theatre of the mind. In Faust, Magid is thematic connections and a form of exhibition performative as symbolic and narrative of the play Faust triggers and actions of Fausto intermingle in the galleries. Takes exposure the form of an internship for a scripted by Magid closet drama, in the space between these two references as word and action back to another as a band M?bius. It seep into the historic text and its many translations, insinuating the present and engaging themes of truth and fiction, language and translation, history and legend, gesture and performance, revelation and Redaction, individual and institution.

Closet drama is a co-commission with art and testing of the Jones Center, Austin, TX.

Jill Magid solo exhibitions include the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Tate Modern, London; Stroom and the AIVD (Dutch Secret Service), Amsterdam; and the Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam. His work has been included in the Group at the Singapore biennial exhibitions; The New Museum, New York; Museo Tamayo, Mexico City. Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw. Gallery of the townhouse, Cairo; Hessel, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York Art Museum; Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York; Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei; and the Liverpool Tate Museum, among others. She played on the sites, including location, New York. Museum Tamayo, Mexico City; and the Museum of Modern Art, New York. She was a resident at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten of Amsterdam and received his M.S. in Visual Studies from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Magid lives and works in New York.

Jill Magid: Closet Drama / matrix 237 is organized by Phyllis Wattis matrix curator Elizabeth Thomas.

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